Clutch Type Tubing Swivel


The Pinnacle Clutch Type Tubing Swivel is used above a Pinnacle PC-1 Tubing Anchor Catcher, when free rotation of the tubing string is needed once the tubing anchor has been set.Most commonly used in installations where tubing rotators are used and the tubing above the tubing anchor must be able to rotate freely.


The Clutch Type Tubing Swivel must be installed on the tubing string above the tubing anchor.Run equipment to desired depth. After the tubing anchor is set apply 1,000 daN (2,000 lb) tension at the swivel. The tubing string may now be rotated freely while in tension without affecting any tools below.

Releasing tubing tension automatically re-engages the clutch in the tubing swivel so torque can be transmitted to tools below the swivel.


  • Simple design.
  • Reliable.
  • Allows tubing to rotate freely.

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