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Perforated Production Tube



Perforated Production Tubes are joints of tubing with machined holes along four lines 90o apart along the length of the tube. Perforated Production Tubes are usually installed between the bottom two nipples of a completion. With this tool, downhole recording devices, such as temperature and pressure gauges, can be installed in the lower nipple profile to acquire flowing pressure and temperature measurements. The upper nipple provides a point to plug the tubing below a packer. This facilitates packer setting or workover operations. The Perforated Production Tube, sometimes called a Ported or Perforated Pup Joint, allows for unrestricted flow of fluid or gas. The use of this tool enhances the accuracy and reliability of acquired downhole production data, which otherwise would be distorted due to flow restrictions. The Perforated Production Tube comes standard with 200% flow area of the production string it is connected to.


• Available in various tubing sizes.
• Available in various lengths.
• Allows unrestricted flow of fluid or gas.
• Available with API or premium thread connections.
• Available in a wide variety of materials.

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